Increase Efficiency - Decrease Costs

Trust Operations Outsourcing

RCG provides custom outsourcing solutions, managed services, and demand services to help you meet your  business goals.

Trust companies and trust departments benefit from outsourcing in many regards, including compliance, standardized processes, accurate recordkeeping, fewer personnel demands, and reduced training requirements. This allows more focus on business strategy, and client relationships which leads to improved fee revenue.

Typical Operational Duties:
Trust Accounting 
Disbursements Processing
Statements Production
Fee Processing
Asset Setup
Trust Tax returns

Your Systems

RCG brings many, many years of experience utilizing several trust accounting and operational platforms. We can use your existing systems, or, if helpful, we may recommend systems to you. RCG also will interface with your custodian, making the implementation process even easier.

Fees Are NOT Based On Market Value of Accounts

At RCG, we do not base fees on account market value.

Instead, we structure our fees based on account activity and volume. 

The Value of an RCG Solution

The value of Trust Operations Outsourcing goes beyond removing duties from key personnel, and allowing them to focus on more strategic goals and client relationships. When outsourcing day-to-day operational duties to trust industry experts you are assured task execution is faster,  dependable, consistent, and compliant.  

Relationships with your clients are your greatest assets. Delivering accurate and prompt services will reinforce those relationships and give a platform for positive interactions and hopefully additional business.

Revzon Consulting may also be your “back office” assisting with day-to-day operations.

Learn more about Trust Operations Outsourcing Services

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